We have collaborated with artists to bring a collection of masterpieces to the Dream Shop. These artworks are exclusively available in the Dream Shop for 22 ADA and were curated with the intention of healing through art.
Proceeds: 25% Artist | 25% Shook Foundation | 50% Shook Boyz
Minting Window:
The Dream Shop will be minting Saturday June 4, 2022 at 11:11am pst until Thursday Jun 30, 2022 @ 11:11 am pst.
What you need:
You must use a standard Cardano wallet such as CC Wallet, Nami, Adalite, Daedalus, or Yoroi to purchase and receive Cardano NFTs.
How it Works:
Send 22 ADA to addr1v98e9h34y2skj6rxmcrms7pd9z7h5pnu32dpp0cgfs2eltgsrkg3u
You can purchase anywhere between 1-5 NFTs in one transaction.
1 - 22A
2 - 44A
3 - 66A
4 - 88A
5 - 110A
You will be randomly minted one of the beautiful pieces from below. Repeat step 1 as many times as you'd like 💜
mint: unlimited
To illuminate the contributions and talents of queer artists through collaboration and celebration
Dick 2022
mint: unlimited
I went in to the piece thinking of the times I felt decoupled from my true self. From the outside looking in, public me and private me could have been two completely different people.