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Dream Shop Door (1200 x 1080 px)_edited.png

We have collaborated with artists to bring a collection of masterpieces to the Dream Shop. These artworks are exclusively available in the Dream Shop for 22 ADA and were curated with the intention of healing through art. 


Proceeds: 25% Artist | 25% Shook Foundation | 50% Shook Boyz


Minting Window:

The Dream Shop will be minting Saturday June 4, 2022 at 11:11am pst until Thursday Jun 30, 2022 @ 11:11 am pst. 


What you need:



You must use a standard Cardano wallet such as CC WalletNamiAdaliteDaedalus, or Yoroi to purchase and receive Cardano NFTs.

How it Works:

Send 22 ADA to addr1v98e9h34y2skj6rxmcrms7pd9z7h5pnu32dpp0cgfs2eltgsrkg3u


You can purchase anywhere between 1-5 NFTs in one transaction. 


1 - 22A

2 - 44A

3 - 66A

4 - 88A

5 - 110A


You will be randomly minted one of the beautiful pieces from below. Repeat step 1 as many times as you'd like 💜 


mint: unlimited
To illuminate the contributions and talents of queer artists through collaboration and celebration

Dick 2022

mint: unlimited

I went in to the piece thinking of the times I felt decoupled from my true self. From the outside looking in, public me and private me could have been two completely different people.


mint: unlimited
Life will always hit harder, it's important to know yourself, how to take care of yourself, how to fix yourself, and how to move forward. Never give up on yourself.
mint: unlimited

MarkO 2022

This piece is a representation of how freeing it can be to let go of all the negative stigma surrounding the right to express your love however you want to whomever you want, no matter what.
mint: unlimited

Tabab 2022

A lot of the paranoia I feel when I'm having a bad trip is about my life choices and my partners. The struggle between having an open sexuality or just closing it off because it isn't "acceptable". I was trying to capture like the weird lifeless floaty feeling you get when you disassociate during "a bad trip."
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